How To Stay Motivated When Taking Online Classes

Taking online classes is a convenient way for individuals to continue or finish their education.

Adults are able to follow a flexible schedule, which allows them to attend other commitments. Students with financial difficulties can choose flexible study hours while they work part-time to supplement their fees.

While there are many benefits of online education, there’s no physical classroom and presence of a teacher and this can lead to a loss of focus and motivation. As online education offers a self-directed way of learning, focus and motivation are keys to success.

So whether you’re studying health care programs or another online course, here are some ways you can keep focused and motivated:

1. Don’t set an overwhelming schedule

Yes, you’re excited about studying online, and are looking to get courses quickly out of the way to get that degree sooner. This can lead you to set an overwhelming schedule, which can come to haunt you back at a later stage. Take a deep look on your daily routine; family commitments, social commitments, etc., and set a schedule that you can actually commit to. You’ll feel satisfied when you’re able to follow the daily schedule without overburdening yourself.

2. Choose a proper study place

While you don’t have a classroom available, you have your entire home, and you can choose any location inside and make it your study place. Try to choose a space that is free from distractions and allows you to focus. For example, you should not pick an area near the television, and choose to study near open windows.

3. Don’t be an online worm

It’s completely normal to take breaks whether you’re studying virtually or physically. Sitting every day in front of your computer day and night to get over the course quickly can cause you to lose focus and motivation. Taking breaks will refresh your mind, allowing you to come back with greater focus and motivation. Feel free to go the bowling alley or shoot hoops with your neighbour when you’ve followed the day’s schedule.

4. Get to know people

Online education may make you feel alienated. You may have second thoughts on the type of career you’ll make later on, the life style you’ll have and how prospective employers are going to treat you after knowing you enrolled online to finish a particular degree. To avoid the dilemma, get to know people who are also pursing online education, perhaps video conferencing with few who are taking a similar course. This will allow you to know how the course will help you, and allow you to stay focused knowing it’s not only you studying online.

5. Reward yourself

Rewards can help you to stay on track and stay motivated. Whenever you achieve a particular goal, such as completion of a project, go ahead and reward yourself. It can be anything, from a Saturday night movie or a fancy dinner; whatever makes you happy.


Staying focused and motivated is important for your academic success, and these tips would help you to do so.


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