To Walk or Not to Walk – That is the Question

Graduation time is coming up and with it comes a whole host of questions – should I do a master’s degree, should I move back home and save money, will I get a job….you know the drill.

But there is one question that a student must make – to walk in their graduation ceremony or not. Most choose to as it symbolizes all those hours upon hours of hard work and study coming to a close with a wonderful celebration. Yet some students flat out say “no” they are not participating in their graduation ceremony for whatever reason. And then some students struggle with the decision.

Personally, it was never an option not to participate. Sure sitting outside in the hot California heat with the sun beating down on me for three hours wearing that black cap and gown didn’t seem too appealing, but what it symbolized surely was.

It is a nice way to take a time to recognize the huge achievement of graduating college. All those long hours and sacrifices made should be recognized.

If you are toying with making this important decision, keep in mind the following things.

Your Parents and Loved Ones

While you did all the hard work, your family and loved ones were also there supporting you along the way. For them, seeing you participate in a graduation ceremony is a big deal. Not only it is a moment for you, it also is a moment for them.

Once in a Lifetime

There are few things that you will have the opportunity to do once in a lifetime and participating in your graduation ceremony is one of them. Unless you plan to go back to school and get multiple degrees or your master’s then this is it.

Ask Others

More than likely you know people who have graduated from college and it is always wise to get advise from people who have been there, done that. While you can read blogs online giving you advice, there is nothing better than hearing it from the horses mouth. See what other people say about the subject, perhaps they can provide some insight that you never even thought about.

Whatever You Do… Enjoy It

Ultimately the decision is yours to make but keep in mind, whatever you do make sure you enjoy it. Graduating is a big milestone in a person’s life and should be marked in whatever way you feel that you want to celebrate. However that is…enjoy it!

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